Thursday, April 23, 2009

Doa For You.....

Salam buat sume... Tadi tgh online, tetiba Din (studentku) bertanya ,"cikgu ade update blog tak?". Wah....nampaknya ada gak student2ku yg mengikuti perkembangan blog aku nih...hehe...anyway thank you Din. Bercerita pasal student, aku agak sayu skit sbb aku tak berkesempatan berjumpa dgn student2ku yg bakal menamatkan study di SSBJ dan bakal bergelar mahasiswa UPM..Insya Allah... Yelah, aku sedang cuti bersalin disaat studentku bergelut dengan buku...maafkan cikgu, cikgu harap Amira, Ming Chang, Raj, Koo dan Ashraf buat yg terbaik utk final exam nanti...tak lupe buat anak muridku sejak dr tingkatan 4 lagi, Fatin, Fong Wei, Mahali(walaupun dah sombong) terasa manis sungguh kenangan bersama korang sumer....sedih la plak cikgu ni...waktu mengajar korang sumer adalah waktu yg paling cikgu hargai... Cikgu doakan kamu sumer berjaya.....(macam cikgu,hehehe...). Haa...aku bercadang nak buat makan2 sikit utk diorang dolu2 waktu ngan kelas 5A1...kat sgt..nanti leh bawak Safeeya...mesti dia suka.... Anyway....doa for my student....
Ya Allah,
The person reading this
is beautiful, classy and

strong, and I love them

Help their live their life to the fullest.

Please promote them and cause them to excel above their expectations.

Help they shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love.

Protect them at all times, lift them up when they needs you the most,


let they know when they walk with you,

They will always be safe.
Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin


  1. hahahhaha....ade jgk nama saya dalam blog nie...
    gembira la jgk....
    hari khamis nie bio la...fikirinku macam susah...hahaa
    no matter what do my best la

  2. ehem...ehem....tibe2 rasa nk makan kfc jgk..btw, teringat time dirisik tuk jadi ckgu bio tuk bebudak pra u..peace...
